Implementation Framework
The success of Vision 2030 Jamaica depends on the effectiveness of its implementation. This process will involve the efforts of a wide range of stakeholders (ministries, departments and agencies of government, civil society bodies, the private sector, trade unions and international development partners) over the short, medium and long term.
The Plan will be implemented through a series of Medium Term Socio-Economic Policy Frameworks (MTFs) that span three years, underpinned by a results-based monitoring and evaluation mechanism that establishes specific targets and indicators to measure and track performance. The 31 Sector Plans provide the framework for implementation at the sectoral level and also represent the basis on which the MTFs are developed.
Medium Term Socio-Economic Policy Framework
The Medium Term Socio-Economic Policy Framework (MTF) is the main mechanism for advancing the implementation of the Vision 2030 Jamaica – National Development Plan and is aligned to the overall vision, goals and national outcomes of Vision 2030 Jamaica. It allows for a stage by stage operationalization of the long-term national development plan. Each MTF identifies the priority outcomes, strategies and actions for each three-year period from 2009–2030.