What is Vision 2030 Jamaica?
Welcome to the official website of Vision 2030 Jamaica – National Development Plan (NDP). Here, you will find information on the background and objectives, main tenets and offerings of Vision 2030 Jamaica as well as updates on implementation and national development performance, among other areas. We invite you to tour the site and make regular visits – be a part of the community of stakeholders involved in making Vision 2030 Jamaica a reality!
What is Vision 2030 Jamaica? Vision 2030 Jamaica is the country’s first long-term strategic development plan and covers the 21-year period, 2009-2030. It embodies the plans and processes for the realization of a collective vision, encapsulated in the statement: “Jamaica, the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business.”
Vision 2030 Jamaica is geared towards engaging all Jamaicans and development partners in the process to achieve and benefit from sustainable and inclusive development. The achievement
of the 4 Goals and 15 National Outcomes will result in a vibrant and internationally competitive economy; a secure and cohesive society; a healthy natural environment; a high level of human capital development; and greater opportunities for social and economic mobility and prosperity.
Let us join together in creating a secure and prosperous future for all Jamaicans.
Vision 2030 Jamaica and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
In 2015, Jamaica as part of the 193 member states of the United Nations (UN) adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This landmark agreement envisions the creation of a better world that is free of poverty and underpinned by universal peace, equity and inclusion.
The SDGs have been integrated in the implementation of Vision 2030 Jamaica. “Vision 2030 Jamaica…advancing the achievement of the SDGs…leaving no one behind!”
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