Performance Measurement and the National Outcome Indicator Framework
Under Vision 2030 Jamaica, Performance Measurement largely involves the monitoring of the efficiency of efforts to advance the national development outcomes through programming and implementation and the monitoring of progress towards the national goals. The monitoring of progress towards the goals is the responsibility of the Vision 2030 Jamaica Secretariat, PIOJ. It involves monitoring progress towards the achievement of National Outcomes through use of a National Outcome Indicator Framework. The National Outcome Indicator Framework comprises national level outcome/impact indicators that are aligned to the National Results Framework, and the National Strategy Framework that is associated with programming/implementation. The Performance Measurement Framework also includes medium- and long-term/2030 targets and a baseline. Time series data starting from 2009 is being utilized to measure progress towards the long-term targets and outcomes; and data on a 2007 baseline year is also included. The time series data will cover the entire period of Plan Implementation (2009-2030)
Currently, 75 quantitative indicators are being monitored. The medium-term targets represent intermediate outcomes for every 3-years, starting from 2009 when the implementation of Vision 2030 Jamaica commenced. The 2030 targets were the first targets set, with some exceptions. The intermediate targets represent milestones towards the long-term targets. To date, intermediate/medium-term targets have been set for 2012, 2015, 2018, 2021. Also, future targets are reviewed and there have been some revisions, as part of the process of integrated evidence- and results- based management of Vision 2030 Jamaica Plan Implementation.
The Performance Measurement Framework allows for measurement of performance towards the 2030 targets based on implementation of the successive 3-year MTFs and the planned development results associated with such implementation. Owing to the 21-year period of Plan implementation and the utilization of data from 2009 to 2030, it also allows for the measurement of the sustainability of development gains and losses based on trend analysis. The National Outcome Indicator Framework also includes disaggregation by age, sex, and locale (rural). This allows for the measurement of inclusive development or the “leaving no one behind” component of sustainable development.
The strengthening of the Performance Measurement Framework and National Outcome Indicator Framework is included in the process to strengthen/develop the M&E Framework and Plan for Vision 2030 Jamaica and the SDGs. Stay tuned for more…